This morning the four of us dinked to shore and headed over the hill to the ocean. We walked over the rocks and around the point to a beach. Here we were again on a quest for sea glass. Tom used his basket to drag the surf. He was very successful at finding sand fleas and I think had just as much fun collecting them in his bucket. I found a spot in the surf that had quite a few pieces, most of them green. Our guess is that green is most plentiful because most bottles of beer are green. Jeff walked across the rocky area to the corner and found a float and a great little bucket he could use to collect treasures. Then it was back to our respective boats to pick up snorkling gear. Our next adventure was a snorkling trip over to Sandy Cay. The area around the Cay is a preserve which means no fishing and look but don't touch. It was quite a hall to the reef and the water was pretty rough. We bounced all the way there. Because the water was rough Tom chose to stay in the dinghy, which was a good decision. Although I love snorkling today was not fun. Between the current and the waves it was really hard to stay in control of where you were in relation to the reef. I did enjoy seeing the beautiful fans a large ray and a school of beautiful bright blue fish. A busy day on the water.
View of the ocean from the top of the hill
Tom and Jeff hunting for treasures
Don't I look cute :(
following Jeff. Cindy, Barb and Jim to snorkal
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