famiy camped when I was young. One particularly hot weekend dad was putting up our army surplus tent with my older brother, mom was taking care of my younger brother and I was filling up the water jugs from the nearby faucet, (my job). Across from us was an old fashioned and ornate wagon. I remember being told to be mindful of the owners as they were
Gypsies. I remember being
fascinated with their dress but the children seemed friendly enough. This particular day the tent was giving dad fits and it was HOT! A little boy wandered over from the wagon and looked in the tent. He looked up at dad and said; you
po po people, you ain't got no floor in your tent! He was right we didn't. We slept on cots, had no fancy equipment, and ate well or slim dependent on whether dad was working or the mill was on strike again. My point? We have a nice home and several big boy toys, but none of it has made us any happier than Fred and Sue who have been living, fishing and enjoying the river for fifty years, ( they are in their 70's). They live in a modest home on stilts and enjoy life simply and to the fullest. Always a smile coupled with an
exuberant greeting, a fish story or two and a positive attitude. Life for many is so much simpler here and for those we have met it seems to be a rich and happy life...toys not needed.