Sunday, July 25, 2010

Slowed Down

Things here at the DYB Demopolis Yacht Basin have definetly slowed down with the departure of coach and Jan. They left last Thurs for parts unknown. No actually Jan has to get back for grand daughter Lillys b day and for s short follow up class at Indiana State. She goes for some work with the grant she received that began this marvelous adventure. Then it is back to school. Peanut and I have been doing a lot of swimming and a lot of work but it is so hot you can not work all day. Temperatures have been over 100 several of the past few days. Mark Davis has a pontoon boat he lets us borrow for rides and swims etc it has a fish finder on it with a water temperature gauge. The temp was 98 . We went swimming and the top 4 or 5 feet of the surface water was actually hot. Not warm but hot. Not very refreshing. We have been eating a lot of homemade ice cream and fry daddy catfish. When that getsold we go to the restaurant on site and enjoy a big dish of crawfish. Jan was so happy for after being down here for a month eating like that she had only gained half a pound. She did walk every morning with another live aboard here at the can you say exercise is a good thing ...I think so. Have a big week of jobs planned and then I think Smitty and I are taking a road trip to B and B marina just outside of Chattanooga on the Hiwasee River. We had our boat there for a year....really nice people and a great country singer named Jarrod. Sounds like fun. Well that is my update for now, can not think of anything else exciting. Everyone is excited about BP getting the oil spill under control and that the storm settled down and may actually help by dispersing and breaking up the oil. Thay say there are tiny micro organisms that actually eat the oil and break it down. The storm should help in that process. THANX for tuning in Tom

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